You can also change your mind whenever you want, though I won’t spoil you how.

Seeing you’re having difficulty with combat, I’d say spend your orbs on hearts at first and gradually prioritize stamina as you get more confident with combat. Of course you do all of that wether or not you invest in stamina, I just found that not investing in hearts made the other aspects of the game even more crucial/needed, which made the gameplay a lot richer. Plus, I always end up teleporting to shrines anyway (though I wanna cut that from my gameplay, which would make horses relevant again outside of aesthetics loll).

I also find it sometimes annoying having to unmount my horse all the time to pick up things and having to stay on the road/close to the horse. Combat will be a lot harder head-front, but this will push you to use strategies, practice your dodges (The first combat skill I recommend you master alongside the bow), forage ingredients, cook (Hearty) foods, sleep at night and adventure off roads. I’d say the stamina route is more in-spirit of the game. I maxed out stamina before investing in health. I am willing to just explore and learn that way but I don’t know how to stop dying so much if I don’t somehow improve some basics. Thanks in advance and sorry if this is a huge repeat. Any way to learn how to fight properly so I can stop dying?Īlso, why is nighttime so scary? Should I be sleeping next to fires more? I swear I don’t understand anything and every time I watch a YouTube video or read a tips article I don’t even understand half the stuff there either. This game is kicking my ass even WITH looking up help. I just got to one of the twin shrines with all those cement balls you have to put in order. I’m a bit overwhelmed right now because I just started playing (I’m maybe 4 hours in) and I’ve only made it this far because I’ve looked up help. Most of my games have been Mario games, Spyro, sims computer games etc. I’ve literally never played a single Zelda game before and I’m not a huge gamer as is. I know similar questions have been posted.but I still can’t seem to find a GOOD ultra beginner guide.